[Michael Schuman, Board Certified Hypnotist in Houston Texas]

Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

Hypnotist Houston Quit Smoking Stop Smoking Smoking Cessation

Have you quit yet? You probably know what follows, but it bears repeating.

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States.  It accounts for almost 500,000 deaths per year, or one in every five deaths.  It contributes to a remarkable number of diseases. Cigarettes contain more than 4000 chemical compounds and at least 400 toxic substances. 

The products that are most damaging are:

  • tar, a carcinogen (substance that causes cancer)
  • nicotine is addictive and increases cholesterol levels in the body
  • carbon monoxide reduces oxygen in the body
  • components of the gas and particulate phases cause
    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD)

If a person were standing outside beside the exhaust of a running automobile for 5 minutes...inhaling the fumes from that exhaust...or standing outside smoking any cigarette, regardless of the brand, for 5 minutes...he would inhale 300 times more carbon monoxide from the cigarette than he would from the car. That carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen in the blood and affects the brain and lungs.

Your blood needs oxygen to manufacture white blood cells that manufacture antibodies to move through your blood stream to heal and repair your body.  Every single cigarette interferes with the immune system's ability to heal and repair the body.

The Major diseases caused by smoking:

Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death due to smoking.

Smoking accelerates the hardening and narrowing process in the arteries: it starts earlier and blood clots are two to four times more likely.

Smokers tend to develop coronary thrombosis 10 years earlier than non-smokers and make up 9 out of 10 heart by-pass patients.


Smokers are more likely to get cancer than non-smokers.
The link between smoking and lung cancer is clear

  • Ninety percent of lung cancer cases are due to smoking.
  • If no-one smoked, lung cancer would be a rare diagnosis -  only 0.5  percent of people who have never touched a cigarette develop lung cancer.
  • One in ten moderate smokers and almost one in five heavy smokers (more than 15 cigarettes a day) will die of lung disease

If you smoke, the risk of contracting mouth cancer is four times higher than for a non-smoker.  Cancer can start in many areas of the mouth, with the most common being on or underneath the tongue, or on the lips.

Other types of cancer that are more common in smokers are:

  • Bladder cancer
  • Cancer of the esophagus
  • Cancer of the kidneys
  • Cancer of the pancreas
  • Cervical cancer


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a collective term for a group of conditions that block airflow and make breathing more difficult such as:

  • Emphysem - breathlessness caused by damage to the air sacs (alveoli).
  • Chronic Bronchitis - coughing with a lot of mucus that continues for at least three months.

Other Risks

  • Smoking raises blood pressure which can cause hypertension (high blood pressure) - a risk factor for heart attacks and strokes.
  • Couples who smoke are more likely to have fertility problems than couples who are non-smokers.
  • The blood vessels in the eye are sensitive and can be easily damaged by smoke, causing a bloodshot appearance and itchiness.
  • Heavy smokers are twice as likely to get macular degeneration, resulting in the gradual loss of eyesight.
  • Smokers have an increased risk of cataracts.
  • Smoking increases the risk of periodontal disease
  • Smokers have paler skin and more wrinkles because smoking reduces the blood supply to the skin and lowers levels of vitamin A.
  • Smoking increases the risk of erectile dysfunction (ED) by about 50% in men in their 30's and 40's.
  • Babies born to mothers who smoke during pregnancy are twice as likely to be born prematurely and with a low birth weight.
  • Smoking delays the healing of fractures, and in some smokers bone healing is indefinitely delayed.

Are you ready to quit now?

For most people, the absolute worst way to attempt to deal with a smoking habit is through the use of willpower.  Like moods and emotions, willpower fluctuates.  One day it's strong; the next it has diminished.  Usually, it's neither consistent nor effective.

Of the many procedures available, I will select the one that, in my experience, is most appropriate for my individual client.  In some cases, effective cessation can be achieved in a single session.  For most people, four sessions is a good average for people to achieve non-smoking status.  Individual sessions have the advantage of being adjustable to deal with the causes of the habit and provide a way for addressing and eliminating them. I provide information and instruction to enable my client to learn self-hypnosis.  And I provide a CD for them to use between sessions for additional reinforcing.

One of the most powerful attributes of the human psyche is the visualization ability.  Hypnosis can help develop and focus the powers of visualization.  And since visualization is frequently undeveloped in clients, and since it can be learned, hypnosis can serve as a teaching modality. 

In stop-smoking programs the ability to visualize one's self as a non-smoker, free from past effects of the habit, filled with new health, energy and vitality, is a major asset.  Through visualization a smoker can perceive himself/herself as looking healthier, more active, in better physical condition, with easier breathing, stronger lungs and similar advantages.  Through hypnosis senses of sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste all can be enhanced and used to modify reactions as necessary to achieve goals.

Once a smoker has achieved success in a stop-smoking program it may be necessary to reinforce the programming that led to the cessation of the practice.  So, I encourage my clients to return a month after cessation and again three to six months after cessation for reinforcing, but that is always their choice.  Smoking habits are acquired over a long period of time.  Even though the smoker may have ceased smoking, the habit is likely to still be active.   Like most activities, if not used it tends to fade and disappear.  I will take the measures needed to reinforce the new programming required for the habit to continue to weaken, until the habit itself is no longer an issue. 

Remember, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.  What you will achieve will be because of what you do.  I cannot make you do anything.  If you are ready to quit, I would be happy to help you achieve that goal.


N.G.H. Specialty Certifications in:
Complementary Medical Hypnotism
Hypnosis Pain Management
[National Guild of Hypnotists]